Consciousness and Love have no end…
Anisha is an evidential psychic medium, a super sensitive, who perceives and receives the subtle energies of the infinite and eternal worlds of Spirit and uses her sensitivity to serve you…
As a gifted and experienced evidential psychic medium and spiritual channel, she connects you with your beloveds in Spirit and the enlightened consciousness connected to you.
As a spiritually attuned soul coach and earth based energy healer, she connects you with the infinite resources of well being that are within you.
As a spiritual mentor, she helps you navigate your soul’s journey of consciousness expansion and spiritual fulfillment.
*Here is a link a podcast of an interview on an NPR series called, The Nebulous. In it, Anisha shares the story of how she came to her work and what it has taught her.*
My work is dedicated to the memory and dynamic spirit of my late son Kevin, and all who have lost their lives to substance abuse and mental illness.
“I highly recommend Kerry. She is the ‘real deal’.”

"During our time together [Kerry] described my Father, Mother, Mother-In-Law, Grandfather, Children and of course My Love with such accuracy I was amazed. [She] even knew how my Father would stand with his arms behind his back and view the world around him..."
"Having visited other psychics before, I experienced Kerry's ability to go far above and beyond the basics. I was amazed at the detail she gave about the people in my life, present, past, and future. The "frosting on the cake" was her skill in taking that information and applying it to my life to help me more clearly see my path. As I left her office I felt like a weight had been lifted. I would highly recommend Kerry and have the utmost respect for her as a medium and person..."
"...I lost my son in 1985. He was 4 months old. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would never really know what happened to him until my time came. He came through with Kerry. The confirmations were astounding! The love that I felt was breathtaking! He had so much to say. His playfulness was extremely enjoyable. The facial expressions and emotions that Kerry displayed, as she relayed things to me, were truly amazing!..."
"I recently had my first reading with Kerry. I must admit that I was not sure what to expect and that I was very surprised by the outcome of her being on target for so many of the topics...Kerry described specific family and friend situations; detailed in-depth relationships I have with people I know; and she shared the exact period of specific events in my life. She would not have been able to guess or research such private and random situations and matters..."